Communicate confidently, captivate your audience and attract interest and followers for your ideas!
Many brilliant people are held back by speaking anxiety and never get their message across. Imagine finally receiving the recognition and appreciation you deserve!
This two day public speaking training is for you, if you want to feel comfortable on stage and would like your speeches and presentations to be convincing and memorable.
The rhetoric bootcamp takes place from February 1rst 9am until February 2nd 2020 6pm at the Waldorf Astoria.

This workshop is well suited for both absolute beginners and advanced speakers. We will be a small group. You will have lots of stage time – at least 13 times – and individual attention, and an audience to make it real. Please note that day one will last until 20:30.
As we will be taking pictures to be used on the new website, special prices are available for those who agree to publication. Please ask!
This seminar is an abridged version of my regular three day Rhetoric-Bootcamp.
Please contact me. Let us check if this is the right offer for you. There is not better time than now to get started on your New Years resolution!